- for a while anyway.
I got plugged in, set the voltometer going in the right direction,
(charging the batteries for the un-techies) got the wifi sorted, found a big
supermarket tucked out of site in the harbour, found a cashpoint at the other
end of town, went back to the supermarket to get some change and then got my
washing in the coin operated machine. Phew.
In the process I had a very
pleasant walk round town and have come to a few tentative conclusions about
this strange little country:
It's rich -
everywhere there are smart buildings, good tarmac roads, new tunnels.
It's egalitarian -
no big posh houses
It's tasteful -
Farrow and Ball eat your heart out, these are very trendy colours:
It has plenty of
hydro - the two power plants in this little town supply the whole of the main
It has a healthy
fish farming industry - no lice or pollution here.(In the distance)
I like it.
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